“The heart and soul of the company is creativity and innovation.”
– Bob Iger
In any organisation, the design team probably plays the most significant role in the success. Not only are they crucial in developing expert solutions in graphic, print or web design, but they also play an important role in creating the brand identity of any company by effectively communicating its uniqueness to the audience. This creative lot has an enormous responsibility of finding the balance between the client requirements and their creativity to strategically develop innovative design solutions.
And creativity is never easy, is it?
Designers face a number of challenges on day-to-day basis; the most frustrating of which are listed below.
Managing Client Expectations
Keeping up with client aspirations is indeed the greatest, albeit most intriguing challenge for a graphic designer. Each client is unique in their thoughts and ideas; hence the solutions perceived by them are also different. You might have used the best of layouts, designed and redesigned your work a hundred times, but can still expect revisions.
A good way to tackle this problem is by offering multiple solutions, so the client can analyse and choose the ones that suit their taste.
Balancing Thoughts and Creativity
Do you have too many designs in your mind, but you don’t really know how to use them? Or, do you let your mind stray too far while working on something? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! It’s great to be imaginative, but don’t explore so much that you are lost. Instead, focus your thoughts on the purpose and try to work your way on creating something that works coherently with the client’s needs.
Differentiating Yourself from the Crowd
It’s easy to follow the trends of the day. Layouts, themes, gradients – everything seems to look the same. With the plethora of graphic design companies in India and abroad, being unique is going to be more important than ever. So how do you stand out of the crowd? Well, versatility is the key. Experiment with new solutions and constantly upgrade your skills. Eventually, you will be able to master the aesthetic and your craftsmanship will stand out.
Creative Blockade
Many graphic designers in Mumbai and abroad often have to deal with this question –
“I tend to run out of ideas very soon. How do I deal with creative blockade?”
This is natural, especially when you’ve been working on similar kinds of projects for a long time. Repetitive projects or tasks, tend to stress you and block your thoughts. Hence, you need to look for other creative outlets. Engage in some kind of creative hobbies outside the design zone to relax your mind and rejuvenate your creativity.
Undervaluation of Work
This is perhaps one of the most common difficulties faced by a graphic designer. Many creatives feel that their work is undervalued and they are paid less. One of the biggest mistakes most of them make is to deliver what others deliver and charge what others charge. There is little differentiation in their work and charging. So what do you do? Look for avenues that can improve your brand identity, spruce up your marketing and communication skills and most importantly, upgrade your website—it is your key to the world!
We at Stylus Solutions, the best graphic design company in Mumbai, look at these challenges as opportunities and make the best of our creativity. Take a leaf out of our page and you’ll definitely come out triumphant.
All the best! Let us know your thoughts by posting in the comment section below.