In a nutshell, yes.
You may have noticed that the landscape of blogging has changed over the years. Blogging has come far from the days when people used to write about niche topics like food, travel and technology. For a while, blog writers in Mumbai and around the world started to think that social media has replaced blogging—because it is much easier to share content through Facebook than to sit down and write a whole blog, right?
Well, think again! With social media, it has only become easier to promote your blog across multiple platforms. You can easily share your blog posts with your followers and they can share it with their friends. Add that to the people who can access your blog through a search engine, and you have one of the best ways to share content with the world.
However, with these numerous ways to promote your blog, it can get difficult for your blog to stand out, get noticed. There are so many blog writers in Mumbai alone! How do you make sure your content gets the visibility it needs?
The trick is to tweak your approach a bit. Here are some pointers that will help you stay at the top:
- Focus on quality
- Make sure that the content that you’re putting out is quality content. Very your facts, research your topic, discuss relevant topics, read up on improving your grammar and vocabulary, look at ways to make your content more understandable.
- Target the right audience
- You cannot write a blog that will appeal to every single person. Identify your niche and target your audience accordingly. Every blog has its audience. Without a specific audience in mind, it will be difficult for you to convey your ideas. You will constantly be consumed with the doubt of “Will they understand what I’m trying to say?” However, if you know your audience, you know what they will understand and your audience will know what you’re saying.
- Make your content unique
- Plagiarism is of the highest offence you can commit in the writing industry. There’s a fine line between taking inspiration from someone’s work and re-wording someone’s work. Look for that line! Strive to keep a touch of personality to your blog. You your own personality, keep your blog unique too.
- Keep your content crisp
- Most people will only read the first few lines of your blog and decided whether they want to continue doing so. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that you’re not rambling about a topic unnecessarily. Keep your content simple and crisp. It helps to break up the blog into smaller sentences. Your blog should be easy to glance over, while still conveying your intended meaning.
- Promote your blog wildly
- Thanks to social media, it is unbelievably easy to promote your work. Take some time to share your blog posts with your audience on various social media platforms. Instead of using just one platform to reach to people, try to connect with your audience on as many platforms as possible. Diversify your outreach to increase the reach of your blog!
- Accept feedback
- Speaking of outreach, people will want to let you know what they think about your blog. Be sure to accept this feedback graciously and use it to make your blog better. You can also communicate with the people on your blog to build your network. This network is what will get you in touch with many more people, some of whom would pay good money for your content!
Blogging is still relevant in 2020, but not for the reasons it used to be. It has evolved from a benign hobby to a viable business tool.
There are many content writers in Mumbai, such as Stylus Solutions, who can help look after your blogging needs. With its brilliant team of writers, they are sure to fulfill your blogging requirements while keeping up with the trends. You can read more about our services on or get in touch with us at [email protected].