Many people prefer different learning media accessible on various devices, such as laptops, mobiles, tablets, etc. One of the major challenges an organization often faces is to create a course compatible with all the different types of platforms and compatible devices. Because of such different preferences, these organizations need to focus on multi-device compatible learning.
To fulfill the need for multi-device compatibility, organizations are focusing on more adaptive and responsive designs. A responsive design can easily adapt to online courses across devices ranging from desktops to smartphones. Such courses are designed to automatically adjust with varying screen sizes to display the course most effectively. Many companies involved in courseware design in Mumbai, like Stylus Solutions, have the expertise in offering multiple device-friendly courses.
An adaptive design adjusts itself as per the browser dimensions and uses different static layouts to display the screen’s content. It provides the correct layout by detecting the device and screen dimensions.
Let’s see some of the reasons why integrating multi-device learning is useful for your learners.
- Preferred by the younger generation
Many do not prefer sitting for hours in a training session. For instance, an employee and employer would prefer short sessions to save costs and work hours. So, dividing a lengthy course into smaller modules works best for people who are on time-sensitive schedules. Most people today prefer accessing the information on their hand-held devices, anywhere and anytime. This is why it is important to choose the multi-device compatible courses.
- Better engagement
Providing learning across multiple devices boosts engagement. After learning a part of the course at the office and accessing the remaining course on a mobile device later, helps smooth learning. It also reduces the drop-out rates and allows the learners to drop in and out of the learning time whenever required. If the training is available on multiple platforms, the person won’t lose track and stay till the course ends.
- Works great for microlearning
It is beneficial to provide bite-sized information to the learners, considering their schedules. The microlearning concept works great for multiple devices. For example, it allows the employees to take up training during short breaks or while traveling. The smaller learning modules no longer seem overwhelming for the learners accessing it through their mobile devices. An organization with expertise in courseware development in India can easily design a course with smaller modules for effective learning.
- Seamless learning
Multi-device courses provide seamless access to the course on any preferred device. Learners can access the course from wherever they are, such as home, classroom, workplaces, etc. They can learn whenever they want and easily transition from one device to another without breaking their learning continuity.
- Cost-effective
The multi-device strategy also allows you to create one course compatible with many devices instead of creating different courses for different devices. Responsive designs allow developers to create effective courses rather than focusing on the technical specifications of a device. You can also make changes easily as the updated master design gets reflected on all devices.
These are some of the most important reasons behind creating multi-device learning courses for your students. You can also contact a company that works with courseware design in Mumbai, like Stylus Solutions, to create highly interactive, responsive, and engaging multi-device courses as per your requirement.