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5 Tips to Become an Effective Proofreader

Academic writing is heavily dependent on precision and accuracy. It focuses on providing clear and well-structured assistance to pupils in their learning journey. Term papers, reports, research proposals, and literary articles are some of the best examples of academic writing. Academic writing requires a more formal and structured tone in comparison to other forms of […]

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Errors to Dodge in Graphic Designing

Graphic designing is a long and dedicated process. In the same manner, mastering graphic designing is possible only after investing a lot of time and commitment. Individuals often think that graphic designing has nothing much to offer, but the scenario is changing. It is the not the same as before, we are heading towards a […]

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Is Creative Block a Common Phenomenon?

Creating content is an art, and humans have been acing this field for ages. Every profession, every duty, requires creativity, but it is not easy to be creative. Creativity comes with hard work, but sometimes even hard work is not enough to achieve good creative content; one of the main reasons for this obstruction is […]

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Is the Colour Palette Important in a Video?

Videos are created to leave a lasting impact on the audience. Some videos fulfill their purpose of piquing the interest of a large crowd and some fail to do so which takes us to the question of ‘’how do some videos reflect differently from others’’? The answer is simple, the creativity and different quality factors […]

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Busting Myths about Graphic Designing

The craft of graphic designing has evolved over the years and is still evolving with each new trend in the industry. Whether it is an invitation card or a poster, or any other visual in question that needs creativity, graphic designing is the answer. It is a process in which you play around with a […]

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