As you may have noticed, a lot of people spend most of their time on mobile phones. After working for hours, many individuals like to watch or read something useful as well as entertaining, on their smartphones. This is the evolving social habit that you can need to keep in mind, when planning your next marketing strategy.

For marketing your content, you need effective planning. The length of the content is a crucial aspect of getting attention of the audience. This is why today’s social media is full of micro content in the form of small snippets of information, whereas blogs and webpage content consist of long-form content. But, both of these are important to us in their own ways.

What is Micro-content?

Micro content is similar to what it sounds like; a “short” amount of content that takes about 10-30 seconds of your time reading or watching. It can be a sentence, a paragraph, an image or a 20-second video. It is something accessible quickly and easily through smartphone apps.

Social media platforms are important as they are popular among teenagers, and posting on platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, enables you to target a young audience.

When you focus on content creation, you basically want to pitch an idea in a creative way. Many micro content marketing services in India specialise in creating micro content in the form of infographics, memes, images, short video clips, featured snippets, etc. For example, you can hire a professional micro video content creator to produce a short video for your brand.

A few important benefits of micro content are as follows.

  • It is short and easily consumable.
  • It helps the reader to easily grasp information.
  • It introduces new ideas and practices in short amount of time.
  • It takes less time and money to produce.

Micro content is a highly appreciated asset that targets viewers with short-attention span. It also plays a vital role in scaling content without compromising on quality.

What is Long-form Content?

Long-form content consists of 1000 words or more on an average. Compared to micro content, it -requires a lot more work to create long-form content. Micro content often acts as a primer for long-form content, where it is used to drive visitors to your website. However, to keep the audience stay longer on your website and make them familiar to the services offered, you need long-form content.

Whenever you have doubts or need answers to your questions, short-form content remains inadequate to do so. You need in-depth research and detailed answers for your queries. In conclusion, when your readers want to learn, they will always prefer more information.

You need your customers to understand what your organisation stands for. Hence, long-form content is necessary when you want to build a brand. It helps to build long-lasting relationships with your customers.

Keyword optimisation is an essential part of the long-form content. You can create articles, white papers, web page content, newsletters, tutorials and long videos, to explain your products or services in detail.

A few important benefits of long-form content are as follows.

  • It helps to shape a better personal brand and boost SEO.
  • It offers higher online visibility.
  • It helps to achieve reliable information authority.
  • It allows for more social sharing and link building.

Even if long-form content can maintain traffic on your website for a more extended period, you still need micro content to capture the audience’s attention. Hence, both these types of content are necessary in a comprehensive marketing plan. A company that specialises in micro video content such as Stylus Solutions knows how to create micro content that complements the long-form content for your organisation. For more information, you can visit the website or mail your queries at [email protected].